Speaking Tour for Diospi Suyana Hospital

Dr. Klaus John will be traveling through the USA in November.  He is very willing and happy to talk to anyone anywhere about what is going on here in Curahuasi, Peru.  If you have a group that would enjoy hearing about the story of Diospi Suyana Hospital, please email the address below or contact me.

Do you have any leading contacts in the UK or USA?Searle-Joshua-slider-900x367

A lecture tour of the UK in September and the U.S. in November 2014

From 1 to 21 September, Dr John will be going on his first official lecture tour about Diospi Suyana in England, Wales and Scotland. Later, during the first three weeks of  November, he is planning a tour of the United States of America on which he will present his book “I have seen God”available on the UK marketfrom September. If you would like to help us with travel arrangementsplease contact our German office at:  info@diospi-suyana.org

Dr. John speaks to audiences of Christians and non-Christians, at charity clubsuniversities, corporationsand churches of all denominations.  He neither asks for fees nor donations. His live presentations, however, are so gripping that patients with high blood pressure trouble need to double their dose.

A few days ago, Joshua Searle, a lecturer of Spurgeon‘s College in London (see picture above), wrote the following words to describe the story of Diospi Suyana:

I cannot ever remember reading a book that brought tears to my eyes. But when I read Dr Klaus John’s book, ‘Ich habe Gott gesehen: Diospi Suyana – Hospital der Hoffnung’, I was profoundly moved and occasionally struggled to read the pages through misty eyes. I cannot ever remember being so moved just from reading a book. I don’t usually write about books on this blog, but this one I found so remarkable that I want to give readers the opportunity to read it and to gain for themselves a new perspective on the sacredness of life and the power of Christian compassion.

Cover of English language edition

Cover of English language edition

First published in Germany in 2010, the book has become a bestseller and is already in its seventh edition. The English translation of the book is being prepared and will be published by the leading Christian publisher, Lion Hudson, in the autumn under the title, ‘I Have Seen God: The Miraculous Story of the Diopsi Suyana Hospital in Peru’.

Although the author is unapologetically Christian and his faith perspective is apparent throughout, my hope is that people of all faiths and none will be able to read this book and be inspired and encouraged by the vision, humanity and compassion that exude from every page. Diospi Suyana is from the Quetchan language and is translated into English as, ‘We trust in God’.


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