Saving Lives with Speed Bumps

I am glad for these new speed bumps.  It seems like a silly thing to write about, but the entrance to the hospital has caused me concern.  The entrance sits on a busy part of the Pan American Highway, right at a curve of the road.  Cars go flying by while people are trying to cross or turn into the hospital drive.  One thing that drivers do here that is very dangerous is pass you on the left when you are trying to make a turn to the left.  As an example, if you are in front of one or two cars, and you slow down to make a left hand turn, those cars behind you will not slow down.  Instead they will pass you on your left side; yes the direction you want to turn.  So not only do you need to look for traffic coming toward you before making a left hand turn; you should also look behind you to be sure no one is trying to pass you on your left.  So I am glad for these new bumps to slow down traffic at one of the places we most frequently make a leftward turn.  From the Hospital Diospi Suyana website.

A Life Saving Procedure

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Bumps protect the driveway to Diospi Suyana

August 2013:  Dr. Ursula Buck wants to turn her car left towards the driveway of the hospital.  At that moment, a truck trying to pass her crashes into her car, spinning it off the road.  She ends up sandwiched between the truck and the sign of the hospital.  Dr. Buck only suffers a scare, but her car is a total loss.

Protection in dire need

Protection in dire need

A few months earlier, another accident happened at this same spot.  A drunk driver rammed into the back the John family car.  Since the drunk driver was not wearing a seatbelt, his head hit the windshield and he had to be quickly taken to the hospital Emergency Room.  Hopefully these sad incidents are now over.

To the left, the driveway to the hospital. To the right, a truck climbs carefully over a bump. The photographer is at the first bump.

To the left, the driveway to the hospital. To the right, a truck climbs carefully over a bump. The photographer is at the first bump.

On either side of the driveway to the mission hospital, the city administration has installed cement speed bumps.  Instead of passing by at 55 mph, the trucks can now pass through the danger zone at only walking speed.  We are grateful for the tremendous improvement to the safety of our road.