The rainy season garden

We have written several times about the amazing house that the Bradys built and are renting to us.  It is an incredible blessing to be able to live here.  Especially soul-refreshing are the views and the gardens. The rainy season has brought out a profusion of color.  In the rare sunshine today, I had to document a little of the amazing bounty God has provided.  One day Will said, “This is just the kind of garden I would plant– a jumble of different kinds of plants, all thrown together right next to each other.”

I agree!  It is useful, too.  There are plenty of herbs and someone, I believe it was Denny, sent some seeds with my dad in October and now we have some wonderful veggies growing– our friends are jealous of our zucchini and basil.  Thank you!  There are a lot of pictures here– you need not browse all of them.  If you recognize some flowers that I have not labelled, please comment so that we can identify them all.

4 thoughts on “The rainy season garden

  1. looks like paradise…if flowers and view were the criteria! Thanks so much for sharing the interesting place you live and the interesting lives you are living. God sees you and must rejoice!


  2. 3438 looks like it could be morning glory
    What a beautiful garden!! It is amazing what living among life and beauty does for the soul. God’s creative work abounds.


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